At the October chapter dinner meeting, a delicious fried fish dinner was prepared by Chapter Ike Jonathan Echols with help from Chapter Ike Les Ward and the chapter kitchen crew.
After the meal, chapter President Chris Ferguson swore in new chapter member Chris Lovelette. Welcome to the chapter, Chris!
The guest speaker for the evening was James Powell, USDA (U.S. Department of Agrictulture) District Supervisor of the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Wildlife Services Program.
The wildlife services provided by his organization include resolving human-wildlife conflicts and providing technical and direct assistance with an integrated approach to funding and damage management of Beaver, Canada Geese, Black Vultues, Feral swine, and Nutria.
James encouraged us to record our own encounters with wildlife with the Google iNaturalist phone app, or the Apple iNaturalist app. Also, see the contact phone number shown above to request help in resolving wildlife conflicts.