Usually, one or two chapter fundraisers are scheduled each year. The types of fundraisers, their venues, dates, and times may vary from year to year, so please review the website calendar for the latest information about fundraisers. Also, a note to our chapter members, you can contact our chapter Fundraising Chair to find out how you can volunteer to help out at any of our fundraisers.
Photos from a previous chapter barbecue fundraiser held at the Westminister Church on Route 10 are shown below.
Also, in years past, going back decades, the chapter hosted an all-you-could eat annual pancake supper dinner chapter fundraiser serving up fluffy pancakes, sausage, baked apples, coffee, and tea. It was a much-anticipated community event held each November that brought together friends and relatives from all over the area. Below are some photos from the last pancake supper fundraiser that was held back in 2019 at the Kings Fork Community House.