The Suffolk-Nansemond Chapter of the Izaak Walton League of America, chartered in June of 1954, is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to the conservation, maintenance and protection of the soil, forest, water, and other natural resources of the city of Suffolk, VA and surrounding areas; and to promoting means and opportunities for educating the public about their enjoyment and wholesome utilization.
We are proud of our Members’ accomplishments each year. Usually In the fall timeframe, at one of our regular monthly chapter dinner meetings, we present the annual Tobin award. There is only one Tobin Award given by the chapter each year. The award recognizes the chapter’s most outstanding and dedicated member for contributions made throughout the year.
At the April, 2024 monthly chapter dinner meeting, the Tobin award for 2023 was presented to Ray Powell. He is pictured here receiving the award from chapter Treasurer Tim Doxey. Ray has been a member of the chapter since 1989. He previously has served as a member of the Board of Directors and is a past President. Currently he maintains the chapter newsletter and website, and assists on the chapter’s Food committee.

Tobin Award is presented to Mike Lane by President Chris Ferguson
At the October, 2023 monthly chapter dinner meeting, the Tobin award for 2022 was presented to Mike Lane. He is pictured here receiving the award from chapter President Chris Ferguson. Mike has been a member of the chapter since 1989. He serves on the Board of Directors, is a member of the Suffolk Clean City Commission and has been the chapter’s lead for our dam recertification efforts. These are only a few examples of Mike’s contributions and dedication to our chapter.

Tobin Award is presented to Jacob Bosco by Treasurer Tim Doxey.
In September of 2022, the Tobin award for 2021 was presented to chapter Ike Jacob Bosco at the monthly member’s dinner meeting. Jacob has been an active member since he joined the chapter in September of 2019 and serves on the chapter Board of Directors. He is pictured here receiving the award from chapter Treasurer and Awards Chair, Tim Doxey. A review of participation hours showed that Jacob had performed more service hours than any other non-board member. As a result of storm damage, several large trees were blown down in our park. Jacob took it upon himself to personally cut up and stack what amounted to several cords of wood. His individual effort inspired other members to pitch in and lend a hand. Jacob was also instrumental in removing woody shrubs and roots from our park dam. He helped organize several work parties in order to complete the job. He managed to contribute to the chapter while working full time and raising small children.

Tobin Award is presented to Priscilla Taylor by Treasurer Tim Doxey.
In October of 2021, the Tobin award for 2020 was presented to chapter Ike Priscilla Taylor. A member since December 2017, she quickly became active and was elected as a Chapter officer in the summer of 2018. She has served as our Chapter’s Secretary since that time. Her cheerful disposition and welcoming attitude are only surpassed by her willingness to support the Chapter. While she has been busy performing the duties required as Secretary, she continued to volunteer in other key areas of the chapter, including chairing the Grants Committee, serving on the Long Range Planning Committee and on prospective member orientation teams. In recognition of her many talents, valued contributions and dedication to the Chapter, Priscilla was selected as the chapter’s Tobin Award nominee.
In September of 2020, the Tobin award for 2019 was presented to chapter Ike Jonathan Echols virtually via a remote video session by chapter president Powell. Jonathan Echols consistently participates in our chapter’s conservation projects and outdoor projects such as our bi-annual park maintenance day, our annual Teddy Bear hunt and our adopt a highway program. He has demonstrated his commitment to our chapter through his participation in chapter fundraiser events, and has helped out with many cooking committee functions. He not only assisted but personally organized and executed a very successful chapter fish fry. He rolls up his sleeves and just pitches in to get things done.
To browse through the list of chapter awards from previous years in chronological sequence, filter on the Awards category from the News articles submenu.