Those who showed for the February, 2023 chapter Member’s Chili Cookoff Competition dinner meeting, coordinated by Chapter Ike Joyce Dugan, enjoyed sampling a dozen delicious chili recipes submitted by members for the much-anticipated annual contest, along with sides of cornbread, tossed salad, and desserts.
Ken Dugan, 1st Place Winner of the 2023 “Golden Spoon” award
2nd Place Winner Vic Pisani receives 2023 “Red Spoon” award from Joyce Dugan
The “golden spoon” award with the best chili went to Chapter Ike Ken Dugan for his venison chili, with Vic Pisani getting the second place “red spoon” award for his beef chili.
Chris Trimpey, Teddy Bear Hunt Coordinator
After the meal, Chris Trimpey, Teddy Bear Hunt Coordinator, announced that volunteers are needed for the upcoming annual Teddy Bear Hunt scheduled for April 22nd, and that he is accepting reservations from the public for youth ages 3-10.
David Perdue, Scholarship Chair
David Perdue, Scholarship Chair, announced that applications for 2023 are open for the $1,000 education scholarship award being offered this year to students who have been accepted into or are currently attending an accredited college, university or technical school and are pursuing studies relating to conservation and the environment.
Mike Lane, Adopt-A-Road Chair
Mike Lane, Adopt-A-Road Cleanup Chair, announced that there is a scheduled trash pickup alongside Kings Fork Road and Providence Roads scheduled for March 11th, and that a Suffolk SCCC Recycle&Tire Amnesty event is scheduled for March 25th.
Sam Chambers, Save-Our-Streams Chair
Sam Chambers, our new Save-Our-Streams/Clean Water Liaison Chair, announced that volunteers are needed for the scheduled April 1st Nansemond River Cleanup.
Richard Wentz, FundRaising Chair
Richard Wentz, Fundraising Chair, announced that volunteers are needed for the BBQ Fundraiser scheduled for March 31st.
Eric Fjell, Shooting Sports Coordinator
Eric Fjell, Shooting Coordinator, requested that interested members could sign-up for the RimFire Members Shooting Competition scheduled for March 18th.
Also, Treasurer Tim Doxey announced that nominations are open for chapter award submissions and that these are due no later than March 14th. Vice President Darden Langston encouraged all members to help sell tickets for the BBQ fundraiser.
For more information about upcoming scheduled events in 2023, see the chapter’s February issue of the Blue Heron Times monthly chapter newsletter. Also, see the online 2023 chapter website calendar.
Contact information for committee chairs is posted at