April 2022 Great Dismal Swamp Trailhead Project Press Conference

Refuge Manager Chris Lowie holds a press conference

On April 14th, Refuge Manager Chris Lowie of the Great Dismal Swamp held a press conference to announce the expansion of the Jericho Trail Access. S-N IWLA chapter Ike board members Mike Lane and Ken Dugan, chapter President Chris Ferguson, and chapter Ikes Bob and Cathy Marchant were on hand while Channel 10 videotaped the highlights.

Chris Ferguson said that “Chris Lowie made the opening remarks, and there were also remarks from Congressman Donald McEachin’s office as well. Dominion Energy presented a check for $50,000 to Friends of the Great Dismal Swamp and then the President of the Friends of the Great Dismal Swamp spoke. Chris Lowie also announced that the Virginia Division of IWLA donated $5,000.

Chris Lowie makes opening remarks

There was than a group photo of everyone followed by a photo of the principles and the $50,000 replica check, and a bus tour to the Jericho trailhead where Dominion volunteers were repairing the pavilion after some bear damage.  (Perhaps they need to leave a picnic basket for Yogi!)”.

Lee Rich is the current president of the GDS Friends Group. The Assistant Chief of the Nansemond Tribe also spoke, and Senate staff members from senators Warner & Kaine’s office were there as well. Also speaking were two representatives from the VA Outdoors Foundation who are working with one of the property owners (United Full Gospel Revival Center)  towards purchase of a tract (which is key to the project).  City representatives  included Vice Mayor/Councilman Leroy Bennett (who has been a big supporter of the project), Suffolk Councilmen Lou Ward and Leotis Williams, and Suffolk Parks Director Mark Furrow.”

For the Suffolk News Herald Article on this event, see https://www.wavy.com/news/local-news/suffolk/great-dismal-swamp-trailhead-project-begins/.


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