While other IKES were at our chapter park for our fall cleanup, several more were at the Suffolk Clean Community Commission’s (SCCC) recycling and tire amnesty event. The event was held in the Lowe’s parking lot on North Main St. in Suffolk from 9:00am until 1:00pm on Saturday September 14th. The total amount and types of materials received were not available at the time of this writing.
Our chapter volunteers helped unload and stack used automobile and light truck tires as well as load gently used clothes and other items for donation to Goodwill Industries. The chapter also received about two dozen car, truck and small engine batteries that we will turn in to a recycler.
Our chapter supports both recycling and cleanup events sponsored by the SCCC each year. Pictured below is a city truck loading the tires to transport them to a facility for recycling. At the last count there were just over 1200 tires collected during the event.