Teddy Bear Hunts
One of the most fun-filled youth activities held at our Chapter Park is the annual Teddy Bear Hunt. Each spring, our chapter Youth Program Coordinator coordinates this open-to-the-public event.
The first annual Teddy Bear Hunt was originated by Ricky George, chapter past president, and was held at our Chapter’s park on Saturday, April 25th, 2015. To review articles/photos from each of the Teddy Bear Hunts held annually (except for 2020/2021) since this first inaugural one, you’re invited to search through our News archive. Shown below are a few photos taken at the first-ever Chapter Teddy Bear Hunt event.
At the 2015 Teddy Bear Hunt, lunch was provided and a good time was had by all exploring the park, fishing, and using the archery range. As you can see, Smokey-The-Bear made a special appearance! All-in-all this was a fun-filled family day celebrating the enjoyment of nature.
- Taking Aim
- Nice Bream!
- Nice bass
- A helping hand