Pictured in the photo below are eight (8) new chapter members being sworn in by chapter president Powell just prior to the December, 2020 chapter board meeting. Pictured below from left to right are: Honnalora and Billy Hubbard, Roger Gossett, Ken Keiger, Ben Lee, Sam Chambers, Joe DeStefano, and Bruce Kliché.
We appreciate their forbearance with the cold, rainy weather that they endured waiting to be sworn in while standing on the front porch of the Baker’s Constantia House and for wearing facial masks as a precaution against the COVID-19 pandemic.
These folks are bringing a wealth of expertise in a lot of different areas as we learned during membership application orientation sessions held at the chapter park. We look forward to the time when we can meet-and-greet them at a future chapter dinner meeting sometime next year, hopefully, Welcome to the Chapter!