Article submitted by Chris Ferguson, Chapter Shooting Coordinator.
On Saturday, March 25th, S-N IWLA members got together at the rifle range for the second 22 rimfire shoot. Shortly after 10:00, it was all talking trash and flinging brass. There were even spectators; Buddy and Cathy Lovich dropped by. Soon, they were vowing to sign up for the next match. The weather was perfect, the company good, and everyone worked together.
Participants, from left to right, were: Gary Brown, H.K. Good, Chris Ferguson, Darden Langston, David Perdue, and Bill Uhl. Also, see a photo gallery slide show of our Chapter Ikes in action at the firing range at the conclusion of this article below.
Guns were loaned, at a 10-point penalty per Darden, for those that wanted to shoot events they didn’t have a gun for. Excellent spotting, sharing of rests and tools all contributed to a good time. Ray Powell was busy shooting pictures since he has more practice with his cell phone than his guns. There was even a cookout afterwards at the pavilion, hosted by Bob Barnhill, H.J. Miller and Ray. Bob also made a pot of his famous Brunswick stew and H.K. made brownies.
Okay, okay, the results:
- 25-yard open sight handgun – 1st Darden Langston, 2nd H. K. Good, 3rd, Bill Uhl
- 50-yard scoped handgun -1st H. K. Good, 2nd Darden Langston, 3rd Gary Brown
- 50-yard open sight rifle – 1st Darden Langston, 2nd Gary Brown, 3rd H. K. Good
- 100-yard scoped rifle – 1st H. K. Good, 2nd Darden Langston, 3rd Chris Ferguson
Darden and Chris also joined the Gary Brown “shoot the wrong target” club, a very exclusive group. Thank you to all who came out and helped make this event a success.
Seriously, someone come out and unseat Darden and H. K.