Member Advisory – Cancellation of Picnic for May 20, 2016, rescheduled for June 4

S-N IWLA Member Advisory

To:  ALL S-N IWLA Members

Subj:  Tomorrow’s Saturday (May 21st, 2016) Members PICNIC has been cancelled.

After conferring with Jimmy Fanny (Park Chairman) and Bob Barnhill (Chef) have decided to cancel tomorrow’s picnic originally scheduled for Saturday May 21st, 2016 and reschedule it for Saturday, June 4th, 2016 instead.

Sorry for this late notice, but weather forecast for tomorrow shows heavy, steady rain beginning tonight (Friday) around midnight and continuing throughout the day on Saturday into late afternoon with chance of thunderstorms as well.

It has rained 13 of the last 18 days I’m told, so the paths at our park will be saturated with rain water.   A reminder, if you use the park, please try to straddle the puddles to avoid making the ruts even deeper.  Thanks, and hope you can manage to stay dry, have a great weekend.

V/r,  Ray Powell, Pres. S-N IWLA


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About wpadmin

Webmaster for Suffolk-Nansemond Chapter of the Izaak Walton League of America

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