Our chapter’s annual picnic at the park was held Saturday May 20th. The weather was questionable but turned out to be great. The predicted chance of rain may have kept some members away but those who came enjoyed hamburgers, hot dogs, baked beans, cole slaw and a wide assortment of deserts. Vic Pisani and Bob Marchant (pictured at left) manned the grill while Kathy Marchant organized and kept the serving line moving.
20-25 chapter IKES enjoyed good food, the park and got to know a little more about each other. A couple of members tried their luck at fishing for awhile but apparently the fish weren’t cooperating.
During the event, the chapter added two new family memberships to the organization. Pictured from left to right are Rich and Katrina Cosendine with Rosalyn and Kenneth Waters as they were sworn in by chapter president Chris Ferguson.