June 4th, 2022 River Cleanup – Clean the Bay Day

The following is a message from Daniel McDonald, Litter Control Coordinator, City of Suffolk Public Works:

“I wanted to reach out to all of our active Adopt Program members to highlight the 33rd annual Clean the Bay Day – June 4 from 9am-12pm. It’s a regional effort to help clean our watershed. While it is a bay-centric event, all trash finds itself in a body of water eventually. Therefore, cleaning up your yard qualifies as taking care of the watershed.

While I encourage folks to organize their own cleanups, we do have 3 public sites that we will be organizing and supplying on June 4. Those spots would be Constant’s Wharf & Marina – as well as the Lake Prince Boat Ramp and Western Branch Boat Ramp out on Girl Scout Rd. Keep Suffolk Beautiful would like to personal invite all of you to join us.

If anyone is interested in Clean the Bay Day, registering for this event helps us allocate resources appropriately the day of.  Also, if you have a kayak or canoe, bring it! These are land and water-based cleanups. If any of you are thinking about scheduling your own cleanups aside from Clean the Bay Day, as always, contact me. Thank you for your time and I hope everyone has a fantastic week. Respectfully, Daniel McDonald”.

Note: This events counts towards work hour credits for meeting the chapter’s annual membership volunteer participation requirement.

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About wpadmin

Webmaster for Suffolk-Nansemond Chapter of the Izaak Walton League of America

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