New Members in April, 2015
Four new members, Jim Anderson, Joe McEntire, Cathy McEntire, and Jim Babb were sworn-in by President Ricky George on April 25th, 2015.
Four new members, Jim Anderson, Joe McEntire, Cathy McEntire, and Jim Babb were sworn-in by President Ricky George on April 25th, 2015.
The first annual Teddy Bear Hunt event was held at our Chapter’s park on Saturday, April 25th, an event which was open to the public for kids age 3-10.
Our Chapter recently hosted an awards ceremony at Natural Bridge, Va. to recognize the key individuals responsible for the preservation of Natural Bridge as a new State Park. Special Conservation Awards from the Virginia Division, IWLA, as well Honor Roll Awards at the National Level were presented. Mike Lane, who wrote up and … Read more
S-N IWLA Members assisted with the spreading of mulch around the Lake Kennedy Walking Trail located in Suffolk, VA, to create a new walking path, approximately 3/4 mile long, for residents around the perimeter of the facility. Other volunteers included Westminster Reformed Presbyterian Church and the Virginia Naturalist.
If you are a wildlife professional, student, or supporter, please consider taking advantage of a free membership offer, courtesy of the The Wildlife Society (TWS).
This free membership provides two Wildlife Partners e-newsletters per month, Action Alerts from the TWS Government Affairs team, and Links to two recorded presentations … Read more
Welcome to our new website, established in May of 2015, for the Suffolk-Nansemond Chapter of the Izaak Walton League of America!
Why did we port our old web site, formerly hosted at Google Sites for over 6 years, to this new website? Primarily because we were running out of storage space, but … Read more
Our Chapter held a Muzzle Shoot event at the Chapter Range in August of 2014. This event was open to S-N IWLA members only. Special thanks to Chapter Ike Matt Almeda of Revolver Armorer for organizing this event.