February 2020 Member’s Meeting

The chapter held our monthly dinner meeting on February 19th at the Kings Fork Community House.

A chili cook off, coordinated by Joyce Dugan and Wanda Gerard, supplied the main course for dinner. Salad, corn bread and a variety of desserts rounded out the meal. There were eight entries competing in the chili contest. Ken Dugan’s entry  was voted best of the night and John Lange came in second. Joyce presented certificates and a ladle to the winner and runner up. Joyce also presented a plastic folk award to Jonathan Echols for “best salad ever”.

After dinner, Tim Doxey presented the annual Youth Protection Policy training. Ray Powell presented an overview of the chapter’s committee accomplishments for 2019 and plans for this year. Several committee chairs contributed comments associated with their committee and solicited volunteers. Members interested in being a committee chair or participating as a committee member should contact the committee chair. The committee chairs will be more than happy to explain what their committee does and how they go about accomplishing their tasks. All members are encouraged to contact the committee chairs and even shadow them during a committee function to learn what they do and how the committee operates. This will give members a much better idea of what goes on in a specific committee before they consider volunteering to be a committee chair or committee member. A list of chapter committees, their chairperson and contact information is available on our website along with the 2019 end of year reports. They can be found under the members tab on the home page.

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