Park Cleanup/ Maintenance Day, September 2021

The weather was great with low temperatures and little to no humidity. In fact, the weather may have been too good because the volunteer turn out was much lower than normal. The eight dedicated Chapter IKES that did participate managed to get quite a bit of work accomplished. The pile of saw dust, left as a result of the log milling, along with other log milling debris was removed from the parking area. Grass and low hanging tree branches were trimmed along the bank of the pond to make access easier for the youth who are planning to participate in the up coming Fishing Rodeo on Saturday, September 18th. Pathways throughout the park were mowed and saplings were grubbed out along a section of the dam face.

Even though a lot was accomplished, there is still maintenance work to be done at the park. Those members who still need to complete their 8 hour work requirement can contact Jimmy Fanny to find out what needs to be done to get those additional work hours. A road cleanup was scheduled for the afternoon but was postponed due to lack of volunteers. The road cleanup will be scheduled for October when fewer events are scheduled and the weather will be cooler.

This year’s pancake supper has been postponed due to COVID-19 considerations. Some members wait for the pancake supper to acquire hours to complete their 8 hour work requirement. Because the pancake supper has been postponed until some time next year, members needing additional work hours should make sure they participate in the few remaining events scheduled for the remainder of the year. Members should check the chapter calendar on our website for this year’s remaining volunteer work opportunities.

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