Public Forum on Community Green Infrastructure Planning

Suffolk was one of eleven counties, cities and towns across Virginia that have received technical assistance grants to map, River Watershed to inventory the City’s natural assets and develop data to aid future land use decisions. Thanks to funding provided by the Southern Region of the U.S. Forest Service, grant recipients will now have new tools to map and evaluate their natural assets such as tree canopy, wildlife habitat, outdoor recreation opportunities and river and wetland health. The project is administered by the Virginia Department of Forestry and the Green Infrastructure Center.

The objective of this grant is to identify assets and opportunities that can be used to inform decision makers as to the many benefits green infrastructure can bring to economic vitality, land use plans, capital improvement project construction, and an improved quality of life for the citizens within the watershed. Expected outcomes are enhanced mapping of key environmental, cultural, agricultural, and recreational assets; goals and strategies for multi-scale implementation; and strategies for continued outreach and community support.

A Public Forum will be held on :

Wednesday, December 9th, 2015 at 7:00 pm in the Suffolk City Council Chambers

This forum is a great opportunity for our membership to learn about the Community Green Infrastructure Planning initiative while having an opportunity to ask questions and give feedback.



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