Chapter members participated in this year’s Clean the Bay Day on Saturday, June 2nd. Ten members joined in along with approximately 160 other local volunteers to clean up various areas of the city. The event was coordinated by Wayne Jones, the Suffolk Litter Control Coordinator.
After several days of rain, Saturday morning was sunny, hot and humid. Chapter volunteers were able to earn up to three hours of work credit for their efforts. Our volunteers contributed 22 bags of trash, 6 tires as well as other miscellaneous debris to the days total count. Ken Dugan was able to pull a section of a huge inner tube (pictured below) from the river’s edge. He also managed to collect a pool cue and film a baby raccoon while he was at it.
According to Wayne Jones, more that 3,000 pounds of trash was collected from five different cleanup locations around the city between 9 a.m. and noon. Representatives from the city Police Department, Virginia Master Naturalists, Nansemond River Preservation Alliance, Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts all came together with our volunteers to support this event. The event is becoming a true community effort as well as a state wide event.