Note: The chapter board of directors postponed chapter elections of officers and board members by extending the existing terms of all chapter officers and board members by one additional calendar year.
Chapter Officers 2019-2020&2021 Term
President: Ray Powell
Vice President: Darden Langston
Secretary: Priscilla Taylor
Treasurer: Tim Doxey
Chapter Board Members 2019-2020&2021 Term
Serving a 3-year term that expires in August, 2022 2023 (extended 1 year):
Dean Matty
*Neal Forrester
Mike Dumas
*Note: {As of 2-10-2020, Neal is serving as an appointed interim board member as a replacement for former board member Dennis Newton whose term ended prematurely on 2-9-2020}.
Serving a 2-year term that expires in August, 2021 2022 (extended 1 year):
Allen Kiger
Christopher Ferguson
Jimmy Fanny
Serving a 1-year term that expires in August, 2020 2021 (extended 1 year):
Gary Brown
Mike Lane
Rob Carpenter
Below are listed photos of each of these members followed by their respective contact information:
- Ray Powell
- Darden Langston
- Priscilla Taylor
- Tim Doxey
- Allen Kiger
- Christopher Ferguson
- Dean Matty
- Gary Brown
- Jimmy Fanny
- Mike Dumas
- Mike Lane
- Rob Carpenter, Board Member, Archery Chair, Youth Coordinator
- Neal Forrester
Contact Information:
Ray Powell | President, Webmaster, Newsletter Editor. | |
Darden Langston | Vice President, Long Range Planning Chair, Sustainability Chair | |
Priscilla Taylor | Secretary | |
Tim Doxey | Treasurer, Media Outreach/Public Relations Chair, Awards Chair, SOS/Clean Water Liaison | |
Allen Kiger | Board Member, Park Reservations Chair | |
Christopher Ferguson | Board Member, Shooting Sports Coordinator | |
Dean Matty | Board Member | |
Neal Forrester | Interim Board Member; {for now, the email address for contacting Neal is the chapter’s email inbox.} | |
Gary Brown | Board Member, Conservation Issues Chair, Fundraiser Chair | |
Jimmy Fanny | Board Member, Park Maintenance Chair |
Mike Dumas | Board Member | |
Mike Lane | Board Member |
Rob Carpenter | Board Member, Archery Chair, Youth Coordinator |
Leadership Archives
For the list of officers and board members for the prior year term see Leadership 2018-2019.